Testing Machine MCS7001
The machine preforms any kind of mechanical test controlling digital and analogical signals and brushless motors.
The operator can configure a detailed sequence of operation for the test with a very simple interface.
In the application at Iseo Serrature the operator configures a test of a door lock.
The lock needs a sequence of operation like turn at left half turn, after one the right 1.5 turn on right etc.
At the same time that turn on right, the system pushes the door and verify when open.
Brushless motors control:
A brushless motor makes the rotation of the key. Each movement is controlled with:
• Rotation set in thousandths of turn
• Limit of torque applied
• Speed of variation of the limit of torque. This his need for example for tests the emergency doors.
• Speed of movement. The movement can be limited in speed and in torque.
• Acceleration
The system read:
• Actual position
• Actual speed
• Actual torque with precision better of 1%. It is possible calibration and certification of this value.
During the movement are controlled all other parameters like start to push the door, when the door open, etc. any parameter can interact with the test sequence.
Controlling the test and saving information:
The system read all parameters and the operator can select as write the information on disk.
For each test is possible write the most important values like:
• Position of the key when the door open
• Max torque applied
For each test are memorized the significative values. Graphically you can see if the tested equipment is modifying his behavior.
It is possible also write all information of the test reading hundred time for second all parameters of the test (speed, position, torque, all input, all output, etc.)
This detailed information is visualized in a graphical window, and can be imported from Microsoft Excel, Access, etc.
Typically, the test of locking door requires 200 thousand operations of open and close. The quantity of information is very big so the operator can set detailed memorization every X test, 10 or 15 or more as like. The system saves also automatically the last test, this is important when the look system crash for understand what happen.
It is possible select also some alarm for stop the testing sequence if some parameters go out of a select range. Like if the torque is bigger of a limit value, or if the rotation across one limit position before the door open.
Simple configuration:
This is only one example of application because with this machine you can perform any kind of test where you need move and control something.
The solution is very chip because use standard PLC and PC but with a special software can read and write on disk all parameters up to 100 time for second.
We have 20 years of experience of mechanical test made with National Instruments hardware and the LabVIEW developing system. The MCS7001 come from this experience and offer you a very good solution the is about 10 time more cheap of National Instrument solution.
When you don’t need to memorize all information more of 100 time for second the MCS7001 is the best solution for your mechanical tests.
If you need more high speed, up to 100 thousand reading for second, we can develop for you a special application, like what we have do for test of Hight-Speed Trains.
Testing Machine: the operator can define a new kind of test writing a simple sequence of operations.
The immediate commands allow you to try the test manually, and also to carry out single tests for verify the behavior of the system.
The sequence of operations can be inserted in the test program. The commands are very simple and are very well described in the help.
The commands are very simple. We can also add special commands for your application.
The operator in few hours can learn as write a test program, without any software experience.
The machine can be configured with more motors and I/O signals.
General applications:
This is only one example of application because with this machine you can perform any kind of test where you need move and control something.
The solution is very chip because use standard PLC and PC but with a special software can read and write on disk all parameters up to 100 time for second.
We have 20 years of experience of mechanical test made with National Instruments hardware and the LabVIEW developing system. The MCS7001 come from this experience and offer you a very good solution the is about 10 time cheaper of National Instrument solution.
When you don’t need to memorize all information more of 100 time for second the MCS7001 is the best solution for your mechanical tests.
If you need more high speed, up to 100 thousand reading for second, we can develop for you a special application, like what we have do for test of Hight-Speed Trains.
Our experience about test machines:
We have matured experience in the tests on prototypes with various companies in the twenty years. Test of axles for tractors with the Dana in the centers of Vimercate (MI Italy) and in Arco di Trento (Italy). Test of the new motors of the Tram for Alstom France, at Sesto San Giovanni (MI Italy) and then still collaborations in the realization of the equipment and the software of test of the electronics of Pendolino (the Italian high-speed train), always with Alstom. In the field of the tests in production we have realized systems for the control of the test systems, also with intelligent software that speak to the operating peoples, explaining the operations that must execute in order to guide them in the various procedures.
From this experience we have realized various equipment of test, also for the vibrations tests, preventive assistance of the problematic mechanics, mathematical analysis of the vibrations in order to characterize the parts that are near to the breach, safeguarding the prototype or allowing however the preventive maintenance on the system.
The MCS7001 is born from this experience and is studied in flexible and simple way, rendering adapted it to many and many types of tests.
They is very simply to use, bat the acquisition concurs and the control of the variable ones until 100 scansions each second, controlling whichever type of marks them and sensor standard. The brushless motors are controlled in a very simple way for the operator, with commandos helps very clear. For each motor is possible command and read position, speed and torque.
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