City is a new model of city where humanity and its well-being are the goal.A goal to be achieved through harmony with nature, sustainability, art, technology, sociality, serenity, freedom.
Here we present the idea, the goals, the philosophy of the project.
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Problem: Today's cities have many unresolved critical issues
Today's cities are chaotic, crowded, stressful.Travel is slow, parking is insufficient.
Housing is small and too expensive.
Little light, streets without sky, houses without a view, people live like in prisons.
These problems have always existed and are common to almost all modern cities.
Effects: Stress causes depression, dissatisfaction, tension and delinquency.
Stress causes tension, sometimes trivial arguments over a parking space or a wrong maneuver lead to anger and violence.High costs create discontent, economic difficulties, anger and envy towards those who have a little more.
The lack of large green areas and direct sunlight depresses and does not allow you to relax and recharge.
Excessive crowding has led to increased privacy to protect oneself.
You don't know your neighbours, you don't talk to strangers in elevators or on public transport.
But too much privacy leads to closing yourself off and isolating yourself, you don't collaborate, you don't greet each other, you don't help each other.
Isolation and discontent foster crime
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Objective: Create a city on a human scale
The small village has fewer problems, people greet and know each other.The city must no longer be a center with a large suburb, but like many small villages, beautiful and characteristic, united in a single city.
People walking in nature must reach the things they need in a few minutes, without being stressed by traffic and crowds.
This new dimension of the city creates well-being, tranquility and serenity.
Shortening routes means having more free time.
Walking means improving your health, relaxing in nature, avoiding the stress of crowded public transport or driving in traffic with continuous stop and go.
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Solution: a new dimension of the city
We have designed a light and flexible city that is mass-produced but can be customized in many ways. Mass production is economical, reusable, scalable.It is sustainable, uses reusable and recyclable ecological materials.
Easy to modify and move.
The home is inserted in a context with different levels of privacy to have its own independence but also spaces that can be shared at your choice with friends, relatives, neighbors or even with the square or park. Everyone can have their home of the size they want at that moment and in the place they want.
Mobility is no longer aimed at speed in chaos or in the crowding of people like in cattle cars. Distinct and separate routes for fast and slow mobility, without interference, without intersections, without traffic lights.
A new mobility suitable for any type of movement for any person. No longer separated between public and private but a new way of moving from the privacy of private mobility to the relaxation of arriving at your destination without driving, without changing means.
Mobility that can be modulated in size, privacy and speed.
A city with a green surface equal to 100% of the occupied surface, therefore with zero environmental impact. This does not place limits on size, avoiding crowds and congested traffic.
Fast connections allow for fast travel. Slow connections allow for fully relaxing travel, even while working, sleeping, eating. Cities, homes, and travel aimed at people's well-being, putting speed, size, and space in the background.
Instead of parks and flowerbeds, large natural green areas accessible directly from the home. With lawns, rivers, and lakes to live in contact with nature, running, lying on the lawns, or swimming in the lakes. These natural green areas allow you to relax, see the sky and wide panoramas, have direct contact with nature, free animals, the sun, natural water. Because humanity is part of nature and needs this.
Pedestrian paths and slow-moving vehicles are completely separated from those for fast movements in order to avoid dangers for those who move slowly and stress for those who drive to avoid pedestrians. Different types of pedestrian paths so that you can reach destinations in just a few minutes with covered paths between shops, or outdoors in the greenery.
All this is possible by going beyond the current scheme of two-dimensional cities, developing a multidimensional project that makes better use of space by shortening distances.
Mobility is flexible and allows you to greatly reduce the ratio between transported weight and the weight of the means of transport. Think about the waste of energy and space when you go shopping by car. To bring home ten kilos of objects, use a vehicle weighing two thousand kilos.
For every kilo transported, use two hundred kilos of vehicle. If you order things with a courier, the ratio improves slightly but remains high because at each stop a small package is delivered compared to the weight of the van.
The flexible mobility of the city allows you to reduce this ratio, bringing it to values close to one.
To transport a weight of 10 kg, I use a vehicle that weighs less than 10 kg. This ratio currently only exists for trains, ships and some trucks.
With flexible mobility, it is possible to extend it to all means of transport, up to the last mile.
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New technologies
We create new product sectors that group and synthesize one or more existing groups. The current automotive crisis is due to a decrease in demand, which can be solved by absorbing the automotive sector into a new product group that satisfies a much larger application market. The various green strategies to induce consumers to continually purchase new cars have saturated the market and exhausted purchasing power. They have only been a palliative to hide the problem of a decrease in demand.The most ecological solution would have been to make a single change, but instead it was preferred to do it in steps, euro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, forcing people to continually change cars, with very high energy and pollution costs.
Today's cars have fewer breakdowns and last longer. This means selling fewer of them and earning less on assistance.
The introduction of electric cars has taken the market away from thermal cars. Furthermore, an electric car lasts much longer and does not require maintenance. Selling an electric car means selling three fewer combustion cars.
In this way, there is a risk of destroying 90% of the automotive industry, and the only way to avoid this is to create a new product sector that can completely absorb the current production capacity of the automotive sector. This is possible with our city project, because it revolutionizes the concept of mobility.
Currently, buildings are built with a large contribution of local labor. All the interior finishes and many accessories are made on site.
Tesla-type modular homes are not suitable for use in cities because they are not scalable. They are designed as isolated homes.
The solution of our project solves these problems with a compactly transportable mass production and ready for use. Flexible, lightweight, scalable, transportable, reusable, recyclable, sustainable. Mass production also ensures high quality standards regardless of the region in which it is installed, and has much lower energy costs.
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Induced market
The creation of the city allows for the creation of new patentable solutions, new construction standards, new product sectors. An immense market capable of involving an even larger induced sector and with a notable reduction in costs and energy consumption.Mass production allows for the maximum optimization of design by offering high-quality solutions at very low costs. Affordable homes of high technical and artistic quality.
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The City solution is ready and the projects that define it must be finalized.The current schemes and rules are completely abandoned by creating a new city with all the characteristics described.
Now it is necessary to create a large consensus, subscribers, shares, participations.
This allows us to collect ideas and suggestions and to refine the project.
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If instead you want to support the project more by exceeding the value of 1000 registrations so as to become a partner, supplier or collaborator you can contact us directly by email.
It is a beautiful project made to improve people's lives and that we will carry out with the collaboration of companies and people from all over the world.
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Registrations serve to give strength to the project to prepare us for the Earlybird phase with which shares will be sold at a very low price.
In the next phase, collaborations with large groups will be created, partners and founding partners will be acquired, and the project will grow by taking shape and thus increasing the value of the shares of those who are already in the project as Earlybirds or sponsors.
We specify that registrations serve to have priority on the possible purchase of project shares and other offers, but they are not sellable or returnable.
They are your support for the project that is rewarded with priority access to subsequent offers.
It only takes 10 Euros to become one of us.
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